Your next steps…
Thank you for submitting your free evaluation form. You should receive an email with your evaluation form information included at the email address provided. Please call us at 512-444-3282 if you don’t receive this email within 10 minutes.
Please print the email confirmation and include it with your carefully boxed drive(s) and send to:
1700 S Lamar Blvd #338
Austin, TX 78704
Directions: From South Lamar, turn into the entrance nearest to the restaurant, “Snooze”, which has several large orange umbrellas that are easy to spot.
Keep driving to the rear of the lot, and you’ll see the suite 338 “Fibercove” sign on the left. Go inside Fibercove and check in at the front desk. Call 512-444-3282 if you have any trouble.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 512-444-3282 . Otherwise, we will be on the lookout for your drive to be delivered either by mail or in person at our South Austin Fibercove office.